Category Archives: Raspberry Pi

Large screen for Raspberry Pi with no compromises

2016-08-27 08.57.09

There are plenty of screens for Raspberry Pi on the market. However, most of them is quite small varying from 3 to 10 inches most.

Some of those screens are dedicated ones some have HDMI interface through which you can connect it to RPi. Well, you can even use analog output to display the content of RPi’s desktop on a TV.

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Using serial port on Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is a small factor fully-featured computer. It can be used for multiple purposes such as a controller.

In most of applications it is necessary to use some kind of communication interface. Raspberry Pi delivers, among others, UART, SPI and I2c. However, UART (serial port) is most commonly used if you just want to send some data between RPi and other devices. While using SPI or I2c in i.e. python script is rather straightforward, using serial port, or making it to work, isn’t so easy as it might seem.

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Securing Raspberry Pi from unauthorized access

If your Raspberry Pi is connected to the outside world it is vulnerable. In one of previous post I have described how to make web server out of the Raspberry Pi. There you can find how to make it visible using DDNS.

There are few simple steps which you should follow to secure up your tiny server.

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