I have done a few project based on AVR microcontrollers. Recently, I have given myself a chance to try out Arduino. After my home thermometer broke down I decided to make a new one. Also it had a few drawback which required fixing. After some time I decided to use Arduino and design a shield for it which would enable this board to measure the temperature and display it. So here it is:
Author Archives: Wojciech Domski
Setting up Raspberry Pi as a small web server
From a 3D model to a real thing – a landing gear for a quadrocopter
There was a need to create a new landing gear for QuadroCopter which would be lightweight and flexible in a way. With help came the FreeCAD. It is an open source CAD software which can be successfully used when designing 3D parts. Below in a figure on the left is a 3D model and on the right is the printed part. The part was printed using RepRap 3D printer.
Something’s going on!
RepRap 3D Printer
I would like to share with you my experience during building 3D printer RepRap.
At the very beginning I would like to show a short movie which show how the printer works. It is printing some replacement parts which in the future will replace the old ones.
Back again
I have decided to move the web page to a whole different level. I hope you like it!
Soon I will try to move the content from old page to this one.