Tag Archives: Django

RemoteLab can now plot data in real-time

It has been a while since I wrote about RemoteLab. A new semester is approaching at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology and I thought that a long awaited feature should be released. I hope this will improve the user experience while working with RemoteLab. This is a second major update since moving to Django, unifying the status server with the camera server, and of course open sourcing it. Besides real-time plotting, there are some additional updates as well.

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Streaming images and video using the Raspberry Pi Camera module

Sometimes streaming video might not be as straightforward as it might seem to be. In this blog, I will walk you through some ideas on how to stream video using Raspberry Pi Camera module and some Python libraries. Different techniques focussing around picamera module will be investigated along with some front-end code to facilitate reception via a web browser.

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RemoteLab a distributed Hardware-as-a-Service

This blog will be a little bit different from what I usually write about but not entirely. I am very proud of the results of what I did and I would like to share them with you. It is not a secret that I work at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. Apart from my research duties, I also run classes with my students. However, we should start the story from the beginning, that is, in the year 2019. At the dawn of 2019 we had COVID-19 outbreak. It did a lot of change in our lives and daily duties which still ought to be carried out. From the perspective of my university there were a lot of challenges. The lectures could be moved to the digital world pretty easily; however, project or laboratory classes were not that easy to move. They strongly depend on human-to-human interaction, and additionally when you work with hardware, it is even more challenging. What I did and what I will describe below was a way to respond to these difficulties. It involves a lot of hardware and not a small dose of software development.

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