As I mentioned some time ago there is a slight domain change. To get to this page you should use address. It is working for some time now. The old address will redirect you to my professional site.
Making a PCB (Printed Circuit Board) using toner transfer method
The purpose of this article is to introduce you to one of the methods of making PCB which is the toner transfer method.
A model servo or servomechanism isn’t anything more than just a small DC motor with a transmission and some electronics.
Tunnelling Internet traffic via external server
There are situations when we would like to encrypt our Internet traffic. One of those situation is when we use a public computer. Those computers are vulnerable to sniffing. This article will shed some light on this problem.
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A slight domain change
In a few weeks there will be a slight change in domain.
To get to this blog please use
Using domain address will get you to my professional website. It is a small change and it won’t impact any of your activity.
3D printed components for Quadrocopter
A mystery box
Using webcam with Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi allows you to connect a camera, either a dedicated one or a Webcam which can be connected via USB port. This post covers how to get an USB Webcam to work.
Securing Raspberry Pi from unauthorized access
If your Raspberry Pi is connected to the outside world it is vulnerable. In one of previous post I have described how to make web server out of the Raspberry Pi. There you can find how to make it visible using DDNS.
There are few simple steps which you should follow to secure up your tiny server.
Simple Dual Thermometer
I have done a few project based on AVR microcontrollers. Recently, I have given myself a chance to try out Arduino. After my home thermometer broke down I decided to make a new one. Also it had a few drawback which required fixing. After some time I decided to use Arduino and design a shield for it which would enable this board to measure the temperature and display it. So here it is:
Setting up Raspberry Pi as a small web server
From a 3D model to a real thing – a landing gear for a quadrocopter
There was a need to create a new landing gear for QuadroCopter which would be lightweight and flexible in a way. With help came the FreeCAD. It is an open source CAD software which can be successfully used when designing 3D parts. Below in a figure on the left is a 3D model and on the right is the printed part. The part was printed using RepRap 3D printer.
Something’s going on!
RepRap 3D Printer
I would like to share with you my experience during building 3D printer RepRap.
At the very beginning I would like to show a short movie which show how the printer works. It is printing some replacement parts which in the future will replace the old ones.
Back again
I have decided to move the web page to a whole different level. I hope you like it!
Soon I will try to move the content from old page to this one.